Understanding how to interpret and utilize market trends when pricing your home is essential. That's why we're constantly researching the latest data to evaluate how the market is developing and what prices it will support. We take your home's specific selling points alongside proven market trends to determine a price that will yield you the most profit in the least amount of time. Our philosophy of continual education among all members of our team means you're never basing your decisions off of outdated information, advice or strategies.
Maximum exposure for your listing means you're never missing out on an opportunity to sell. We take getting your home in front of potential buyers seriously. Not only do we network with our office of over 300 of Portland's most productive realtors before your home is even on the market, we proactively seek potential buyers through reverse prospecting and an exceptional online promotion system that allows us to upload your property to hundreds of the most popular real estate websites in an instant. For a full explanation of how we promote your listing, click here.
Getting your home ready to hit the market can seem like a daunting task and many people aren't certain where they should begin. When you list with Porch Light Realty Group, we strive to alleviate this stress by taking the time to thoroughly assess your best home preparation plan. Once we've taken the time to get to know your home better, we'll teamwork a list of possible repair items based on your budget, timeline and highest return on investment. Need to sell your home as is? Not to worry, our pricing expertise can help you get top market dollar quickly.